My name is Taylor Papadopoulos and I am twenty seven years old. I live in Southern California and I enjoy hiking, camping and spending time with my husband, friends and family. I work full time and I am a full time college student working on my Bachelor’s in Sociology and hope to go to graduate school after in order to obtain a Master’s in Social Work. In November of 2015, I was diagnosed with Wet Macular Degeneration in my right eye. Aside from my husband being here by my side, I still felt lost, hopeless and defeated. It’s just a different feeling when someone is going through something similar than you and that’s how I found comfort and friendship in Mara. I found her on Instagram and I messaged her. To my surprise, she replied back and from there, we have been friends. She was there for me in the darkest of times and helped me see that no matter what we may face, as long as we face it with positivity and faith, we can get through anything. My relationship with Mara has truly helped me to stay positive about my future and to never give up. She has played a huge part in my journey to accepting what is happening to my vision. I really don’t let my hardships or fears define me, however, I use these experiences as motivation for me to achieve all of my hopes and dreams. The sky is truly the limit.